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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get service?ANewWayToNet provides internet access using T-Mobile, Verizon, US Cellular, and AT&T cell tower networks. You’ll purchase a modem from us and we will ship it out activated and ready to use with service from the carrier we determine will work best at your location. We contact all new subscribers after the purchase to discuss signal at your location. This is separate and has nothing to do with your cell phone provider.
Where are your services available?If cell phone services work inside your home, typically our service will work as well. If you have spotty cell coverage inside your home, some of our modems can be used with an exterior antenna that can multiply speeds up to 10x. Currently, we have service through T-Mobile, AT&T, and Verizon. We will be glad to check coverage for you if you call or email us.
Are there any long-term contracts?There are currently no long-term contracts. Stop your service at any time with no hassles and no early termination fees.
Can this be used for a business?Absolutely, this service can be used for a home or business. Pricing is the same for either.
Why can’t I just use my cell phone data and tether to it?There are three reasons why this service is different. First, your cell phone provider is going to limit you to 10-15 Gigabytes of data and then throttle your speeds. That’s enough for a couple of HD movies before you see slower speeds. Our service is for home internet use. Second, our service comes with a dedicated device with an Ethernet output. This means you can plug the modem into a router and connect hard-wired devices as well as wireless devices. In addition, if you tether to your phone data all your home devices will have to connect to your phone to use the internet. Third, our device can also connect to an outside antenna for better reception and increased speeds, in the case cell coverage at your home is on the outer range of the cell tower signal.
Are the plans truly unlimited or do they throttle speeds after a certain limit?Through all major carriers, we offer limited and unlimited services. Unlimited service is available in many geographic areas. Contact our office prior to ordering to clarify if you are in an area where we have unlimited service available.
What if I order service and I don’t get the results I expected?If you order service and the speeds aren’t what you expected, the first thing to try is to try moving the modem to another location in the house. Refer to the FAQ “What can I do to make sure I’m getting the best speeds available?”. If you have followed these steps and still aren’t getting good speeds, we can send you a new SIM with a different carrier to try. If we ship you a different SIM, you will have 7 days from the time you receive it to test things out and still get a full refund. For example, if you get the modem and three days later after going through the steps we provide you still can’t get decent speeds, simply contact us and we will ship you a new SIM with a different carrier. If you try several carriers and it isn’t working out, simply contact us within 7 days and we will fully refund your purchase.
How does the 14-day risk free trial work?We have a 14-day risk-free return policy. If you order the service and things don’t work out, simply contact us for return instructions. We will allow you to try a different SIM card if the one we choose doesn’t work out. Each SIM you try will come with a new 14-day trial. Your 14-day trial starts when you receive your modem. Shipping time is not included in the trial period. If you need a few extra days, that's not a problem... just let us know. If you opt to not keep the service, return shipping is paid by you. Once we receive the modem back, we will process a full refund for the purchase price (incl tax) to your card.
What if I move, can I take this service to a new location?In short... YES. You can take the service with you to a new location, however, you will need to confirm there is cell signal present at the new location. If the signal present at the new location is better with a different carrier than what you had at your old address, we can send you a different SIM card for a nominal fee.
How much does monthly service cost?To get started, you will need to purchase a modem from our website. After the completion of your risk-free trial, you will be billed $25 for activation. Monthly fees are as follows: AT&T, Verizon, and TMobile Home Internet plans - varies by location and carrier, please check with us to confirm pricing at your home or business. Sales tax is charged in accordance with local and state laws where applicable. Autopay occurs on the first day of each month.
What is the $25 activation fee for?Activation fees cover charges from the carriers to activate the SIMs.
Do you have any discounts for larger accounts with multiple devices?We do have discounted pricing for multiple accounts. Contact us for pricing.
Do I need a wireless router?Some of our modems come with wifi built-in. Some do not. However, for larger homes and larger areas to cover with wifi, we recommend a separate wireless router. Our modems are compatible with most major brands. We have a couple available on our website that we have vetted as well. Or you can purchase one at your local big-box store.
Will any router work?Most new routers will work, as long as it has an Ethernet input. Routers supplied by other internet service providers will not work, nor will a router with a DSL or coax input. We suggest one with wireless N or AC standards for the best results. Again, you can purchase one from our website. Please contact us if you need help finding a good router for your needs. We are happy to make recommendations.
Can I use my own modem?Most likely NO. We are only allowed to use modems that accept SIM cards, and that is approved by the wireless carriers we use. If you have the exact modem we offer on our website, then you can use that as long as it isn't locked to a carrier. Please contact our office if you want to find out if your existing modem can be used.
What speeds should I expect?We cannot guarantee any speeds, but we do see download speeds as high as 150mbps and upload speeds as high as 40mbps. It all depends on how far you are from the tower you are connected to and the amount of congestion there is on that tower. If your speeds are not good, then you may be on the outside of the signal from that tower, as congestion is typically temporary. If this is the case, refer to the FAQ on how to get the best speeds. Averages are between 25-40mbps download speed.
What if the speeds are not consistent?If speeds are not consistent there are a few things that could be happening. If the speeds have been consistent and suddenly slowed, then reboot the modem by powering it off and back on again. If you just received the device and speeds are slow, then refer to the FAQ “What can I do to make sure I’m getting the best speeds available?”. There is always the possibility the speeds may slow from network congestion in your area as all public networks can be affected by this from time to time. If you think this is the case, then just give it some time. Lastly, there could be some maintenance being done or upgrades to the tower you are using. Contact us if you feel this may be the case and we can verify.
Is this service good for online gaming?This is a common question, and the answer is absolutely yes. As with any connection, the speeds do come into play, so if you are getting good speeds then it should work great with online games as the latency is low. Our typical speeds with reference to ping times are usually between 30-60ms.
How secure is this service?Our modem is as secure as any other modem on the market. We do not manage the network hardware or cell towers, so you will want to treat it as you would any other internet service and take the proper steps to protect your network. Antivirus software and the proper settings in your router should be considered a top priority, as with any network connected to the internet.
How many devices can the service handle?Our service can handle any number of devices, but routers typically have a device limit of 150. When streaming multiple services simultaneously, you will need good speeds (typically above 20mbps) to do this without any buffering. If you have good speeds you can run multiple devices with simultaneous streams with no issues. This is something you will get to test out during your risk free trial period.
Can I use this device for mobile internet applications?Absolutely, the modem can connect to any tower in the United States using the provided carrier's SIM.
How does this service compare to satellite internet or point to point?Cell-based internet has much less latency than satellite internet, so you will notice the buffering will go away when streaming video. There is also typically a low data cap with satellite-based internet as well. Satellite internet is also generally a lot more expensive than our service, and requires a professional installation at your expense. Point-to-point networks can become congested easily and are also typically capped on the amount of data, so you see reduced speeds after you use more data than they allow. Our service is the only one that doesn't require you to see the antenna from your location. And our service, unlike the above, is completely mobile (take it with you anywhere).
How does installation work?Installation can be as easy as simply plugging in the modem and using it. This is the best-case scenario, and in a lot of cases, this is all that’s necessary. Should you be on the outside of the range of the cell signal, refer to the FAQ “What can I do to make sure I’m getting the best speeds available?”. To get the most out of your modem speeds, you can install an outdoor antenna (which we are happy to assist with finding the right one).
Can I setup remote access to my home or a VPN?Absolutely. There are some settings that will need to be changed, but your IT manager should be able to assist you with that. Keep in mind bridging the modem may decrease the security of your network, so be sure to consult with the right IT person to ensure you stay protected.
Can I get a static IP address?Static IP addresses can be assigned for $15.00 per month. Please allow 1 day for processing it.
What can I do to make sure I’m getting the best speeds available?If you have set up the new modem and you aren’t getting good speeds, or you want to get the best speeds possible, here are the steps to follow. Cell signal coming from the tower is coming from a certain direction, make sure you have installed the modem in a location that has the fewest obstacles between you and the tower. If the signal is not great in the center of the home, try going to a location facing each of the 4 directions to determine the direction of the tower. Signals will typically penetrate a window better than say a stone or brick wall, so use this to your advantage. To determine the best location, the easiest way is to take a laptop and plug the ethernet cable directly from the modem to your laptop. Open a speed test website and test the speeds in different locations to see where you get the best speeds. This is likely the direction of the tower. If you have found the best location for the modem and are getting good speeds, however, the performance isn’t very good on a device you are using then check to see what Wi-Fi connection you are using. Wireless routers and devices these days have a 2.5G and a 5G connection you can connect to. If the device you are using supports 5G, use it as it is a lot faster than the 2.5G connection. When you go through the connection process on the device, you’ll know if it supports the 5G connection because it will be listed as an option. If 2.5G is the only option, likely the device doesn’t support 5G. In this case, we recommend upgrading to a device that does. If you have checked several locations inside the home and cannot find a location that gets good speeds, then try testing it outside if possible. This will determine if an outside antenna or cell booster will help the situation. If you don’t want to go to these lengths and or don’t want to invest in an outdoor antenna, then you can request a SIM for another carrier. In many cases, when located more than 5 miles from a tower, a simple external antenna can improve speeds dramatically. We are happy to help you find the right one and give you support for installing it. We are a phone call away if you need help. It is that simple. And our staff is happy to assist you at 719-838-0964.
How do I return my device and cancel service if things don’t work out?If for any reason, you aren't happy with the service, you changed your mind, or your needs changed, please contact our office right away. We understand that "life happens". Inside of the 7-day trial, we will provide instructions for returning the modem for a refund. Returned modems should be postmarked within 30 days of return being initiated. If you are in a position where you are needing to cancel outside of the trial period, please contact our office. We are always willing to help and we do often make special considerations. Simply put, if it doesn't work out we are happy to honor a return.
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